Measure Your Child

We size all our bikes using inside leg length (inseam) rather than relying on age as the determining factor.

This approach is considered the most dependable method for selecting the ideal bike size for a child. Although age and height can provide approximate guidance, they are not as reliable because there is a significant variation in leg length and height among children of the same age.

We recommend taking a bit of time to measure the riders inside leg - it’s really easy to do:

Taking the inseam measurement:

  1. Stand the child barefoot (or in socks) against a wall
  2. Measure from the floor to their groin as high as is comfortable for the child


How to measure your child

Alternate method using a book:

  1. Stand the child barefoot (or in socks) against a wall
  2. Place a small book between their legs, as high as is comfortable and against their groin
  3. Ask the child to move away and measure between the top of the book and the floor.

Once you have measured their inside leg, use the table below to find the right size of bike for your child. There is no need to add or subtract centimetres to your child's measurement. Follow the process and your child will have a correctly sized bike.


Balance Bikes:

See our guide: Which Balance Bike should you choose?

Inside Leg Model Age Wheel Size
23 to 30cm Frog Tadpole Mini 1 - 2 10"
30 to 36cm Squish Balance Bike 2 - 3 12"
31 to 35cm Frog Tadpole Balance Bike 2 - 3 12"
33 to 42cm Specialized Hotwalk 2 - 4 12"

First Pedal Bikes

Which First Pedal Bike should you choose?

Inside Leg Model Age Wheel Size
36 to 41cm Frog 40 3 - 4 14"
40 to 46cm Squish 14 3 - 5 14"
40 to 50cm Frog 44 4 - 5 16"
43 to 48cm Forme Cubley 14 3 - 5 14"
45 to 56cm Frog 47 4 - 6 18"
47 to 50cm Squish 16 4 - 6 16"
49 to 63cm Woom 3 4 - 6 16"
50 to 53cm Squish 18 4 - 6 18"
50 to 54cm Forme Cubley 18 5 - 6 18"

First Pedal Bikes

Which Hybrid Bike should you choose?

52 to 60cm Frog 53 5 - 8 20"
52 to 62cm Forme Kinder 20 5 - 8 20"
54 to 57cm Squish 20 5 - 7 20"
57 to 74cm Frog 61 8 - 10 24"
58 to 66cm Frog 62 8 - 10 24"
62 to 70cm Frog 69 10 - 12 26"
67 to 76cm Frog 73 12 - 14 26"
72cm + Frog 78 13 + 26"
76cm + Woom 6 12 + 26"

Road Bikes:

Inside Leg Model Age Wheel Size
56 to 65cm Road 58 6 - 7 20"
68 to 77cm Road 70 11 - 14 26"